Identification of the subjects of the Far East of Russia for the implementation of circular economy in industry for the sustainable development of the macroregion

  • Титова Наталья Юрьевна

    Natalya Yu. Titova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Tatiana Terenteva

    Tatiana V. Terentyeva. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service.Vladivostok. Russia

  • Ilia A. Giryuk

    Ilia A. Giryuk/ Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The systemic crisis that manifested itself in 2020, caused by the world pandemic, environmental and man-made disasters, instability of prices for energy resources, emphasizes the need for the transition of the world economy to a model of sustainable development. However, the territorial and geographical features of Russia, and the Far East in particular, demonstrate a high proportion of industries dependent on
the use of environmental resources. In this regard, it is important and relevant to find solutions to the problem of structural modernization of industry in the macro-region in accordance with the new concept focused on resource conservation. This article begins a series of studies devoted to the problem of assessing and achieving sustainable development of the Far Eastern territories, and reveals the results of the study of
indicators characterizing the dynamics of industrial development in the region. Having analyzed recent publications on this problem, the authors conclude that the methodological approaches aimed at assessing the conformity of the level of sustainable development with the UN target benchmarks have not been sufficiently studied. The article argues that at the first stage to solve this problem it is necessary to identify the
subjects, in which industrial development demonstrates positive dynamics. This will be an indicator of high potential of the region for the implementation of circular economy principles at enterprises. Using the methods of rating assessments and time series analysis, the authors identified the subjects of the Far East according to the dynamics of key industrial indicators. The research focused on such indicators as average wages, industrial production index, gross regional product per capita and investment in fixed capital. The time period for the assessment was set from 2005 to 2020. As a result, the subjects of the Far East with the greatest potential for the introduction of a circular economy in industry were identified. The prospects of this study should include the identification of factors that promote and hinder the structural modernization of industry of these subjects for sustainable development of the macro-region.
Keywords: sustainable development, Far East, circular economy, industry.